Update dependency sass to v1.33.0 #512

konrad merged 1 commits from renovate/sass-1.x into main 2021-05-21 08:41:33 +00:00

This PR contains the following updates:

Package Type Update Change
sass dependencies minor 1.32.13 -> 1.33.0

Release Notes



Compare Source

  • Deprecate the use of / for division. The new math.div() function should be
    used instead. See this page for details.
  • Add a list.slash() function that returns a slash-separated list.

  • Potentially breaking bug fix: The heuristics around when potentially
    slash-separated numbers are converted to slash-free numbers—for example, when
    1/2 will be printed as 0.5 rather than 1/2—have been slightly expanded.
    Previously, a number would be made slash-free if it was passed as an argument
    to a user-defined function, but not to a built-in function. Now it will be
    made slash-free in both cases. This is a behavioral change, but it's unlikely
    to affect any real-world stylesheets.

  • :is() now behaves identically to :matches().

  • Fix a bug where non-integer numbers that were very close to integer
    values would be incorrectly formatted in CSS.

  • Fix a bug where very small number and very large negative numbers would be
    incorrectly formatted in CSS.

  • The this context for importers now has a fromImport field, which is true
    if the importer is being invoked from an @import and false otherwise.
    Importers should only use this to determine whether to load import-only
Dart API
  • Add an Importer.fromImport getter, which is true if the current
    Importer.canonicalize() call comes from an @import rule and false
    otherwise. Importers should only use this to determine whether to load
    import-only files.

Renovate configuration

📅 Schedule: At any time (no schedule defined).

🚦 Automerge: Disabled by config. Please merge this manually once you are satisfied.

♻️ Rebasing: Whenever PR becomes conflicted, or you tick the rebase/retry checkbox.

🔕 Ignore: Close this PR and you won't be reminded about this update again.

  • If you want to rebase/retry this PR, check this box

This PR has been generated by Renovate Bot.

This PR contains the following updates: | Package | Type | Update | Change | |---|---|---|---| | [sass](https://github.com/sass/dart-sass) | dependencies | minor | [`1.32.13` -> `1.33.0`](https://renovatebot.com/diffs/npm/sass/1.32.13/1.33.0) | --- ### Release Notes <details> <summary>sass/dart-sass</summary> ### [`v1.33.0`](https://github.com/sass/dart-sass/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md#&#8203;1330) [Compare Source](https://github.com/sass/dart-sass/compare/1.32.13...1.33.0) - Deprecate the use of `/` for division. The new `math.div()` function should be used instead. See [this page][] for details. [this page]: https://sass-lang.com/documentation/breaking-changes/slash-div - Add a `list.slash()` function that returns a slash-separated list. - **Potentially breaking bug fix:** The heuristics around when potentially slash-separated numbers are converted to slash-free numbers—for example, when `1/2` will be printed as `0.5` rather than `1/2`—have been slightly expanded. Previously, a number would be made slash-free if it was passed as an argument to a _user-defined function_, but not to a _built-in function_. Now it will be made slash-free in both cases. This is a behavioral change, but it's unlikely to affect any real-world stylesheets. - [`:is()`][] now behaves identically to `:matches()`. [`:is()`]: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/:is - Fix a bug where non-integer numbers that were very close to integer values would be incorrectly formatted in CSS. - Fix a bug where very small number and very large negative numbers would be incorrectly formatted in CSS. ##### JS API - The `this` context for importers now has a `fromImport` field, which is `true` if the importer is being invoked from an `@import` and `false` otherwise. Importers should only use this to determine whether to load [import-only files]. [import-only files]: https://sass-lang.com/documentation/at-rules/import#import-only-files ##### Dart API - Add an `Importer.fromImport` getter, which is `true` if the current `Importer.canonicalize()` call comes from an `@import` rule and `false` otherwise. Importers should only use this to determine whether to load [import-only files]. </details> --- ### Renovate configuration 📅 **Schedule**: At any time (no schedule defined). 🚦 **Automerge**: Disabled by config. Please merge this manually once you are satisfied. ♻️ **Rebasing**: Whenever PR becomes conflicted, or you tick the rebase/retry checkbox. 🔕 **Ignore**: Close this PR and you won't be reminded about this update again. --- - [ ] <!-- rebase-check -->If you want to rebase/retry this PR, check this box --- This PR has been generated by [Renovate Bot](https://github.com/renovatebot/renovate).
renovate added the
label 2021-05-21 01:02:29 +00:00
renovate added 1 commit 2021-05-21 01:02:29 +00:00
continuous-integration/drone/pr Build is passing Details
Update dependency sass to v1.33.0
konrad merged commit 2cbc0b1f0a into main 2021-05-21 08:41:33 +00:00
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