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All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
All releases can be found on https://code.vikunja.io/frontend/releases.
The releases aim at the api versions which is why there are missing versions.
[0.11] - 2020-03-01
- Add a button to the task detail page to mark a task as done
- Add a link to vikunja.io (#56)
- Add automatic user token renew (#43)
- Add auto save for task edit sidebar
- Add moment.js for date related things (#50)
- Add removing of tasks (#48)
- Add saving task title with ctrl+enter
- Add saving the description with ctrl+enter
- Add slight background change when hovering over a task in the list
- Add Wunderlist migration (#46)
- Task Comments (#66)
- Task Pagination (#38)
- Task Search (#52)
- Task sorting (#39)
- Notifications for task reminders (#57)
- PWA update available notification (#42)
- Set the end date to the same as the due date if a start date was set but no end date
- Show parent tasks in task overview list (#41)
- Fix textarea in task detail view not having a background when focused (#937 in Vikunja)
- Fix "Add a reminder" being shown
- Fix adding a task to an empty list
- Fix a typo (#64)
- Fix changelog version
- Fix changing the right of a list shared with a user
- Fix date handling on task detail page
- Fix drone testing pipeline triggering only when pushing to master and not on prs
- Fix email field type (#58)
- Fix error container at registration page always being displayed
- Fix gravatar url
- Fix height of task add button
- Fix initial dates on task edit sidebar
- Fix label input field breaking in a new line on task detail page
- Fix loading tasks for the first page after navigating to a new list
- Fix not using router links for previous and back buttons
- Fix priority label styling
- Fix reminders not being shown on task detail view on mobile
- Fix task text breaking on list home on mobile
- Fix task title on mobile (#54)
- Fix update notification layout on mobile (#44)
- Fix using the error data prop in components (#53)
- Don't schedule a reminder if the reminder date is in the past
- Don't try to cancel notifications if the browser does not support it
- Only focus inputs if the viewport is large enough (#55)
- Set user menu inactive when logging out
- Show if a related task is done (#49)
- Always schedule notification
- Hide the llama from the top on the task detail page
- Improve link share layout
- Load Fonts directly
- Make sure to use date objects everywhere where dealing with dates
- Migration Improvements (#47)
- Move "Next Week" section in menu below "Next Month"
- Move the Vikunja logo to the hamburger menu on mobile
- Preload fonts css
- Rearrange button order on task detail view
- Reorganize Styles (#45)
- Show motd everywhere
- Sort tasks on start page by due date desc and id desc
- Update dependencies (#40)
- Use message mixin for handling success and error messages (#51)
- Use the same method everywhere to calculate the avatar url
- Better default profile image
- Better wording for shared settings
- Bump npm to 6.13
- Put the add reminders button on the task detail page higher up
- Directly link to the task for tasks on the start page
- Disable production source maps
[0.9] - 2019-11-24
- Add minimal PWA (#34)
- Added caching to the docker image
- Added changing %Done on a task
- Added global api config (#31)
- Added handling if the user is offline (#35)
- Added labels for login and register inputs
- Added link sharing (#30)
- Added meta description tag
- Added support for HTTP/2 to the docker image
- Added the function to collapse all lists in a namespace in the sidebar menu
- Correctly preload fonts
- Different edit icon
- Improved font handling
- Load the offline image quietly in the background
- Moved non-theme stuff in general.scss
- Removed rancher configuration
- Removed unused preload fonts tags
- Replace all spaces with tabs
- Show avatars of assigned users
- Sort tasks by done/undone first and then newest
- Task Detail View (#37)
- Update vue/cli-service
- Updated axios
- Updated dependencies
- Updated packages
- Updated packages to their latest versiosn
- Use the new listuser endpoint to search for users
- Fix edit label pane not closing when clicking on it
- Fixed gzip compression in docker
- Fixed label edit still opening when deleting a label
- Fixed menu not being visible on mobile
- Fixed namespace loading (#32)
- Fixed new task field not being reset after adding a new task
- Fixed redirect to login page (#33)
- Fixed scroll behaviour
- Fixed shared lists overflowing
- Fixed sharing with a user not working
- Fixed task update not working
- Fixed task update not working (again)
- Fixed team creating not working
- Handle task relations the right way (#36)
- Moved markdown-based todo list to Vikunja [skip ci]
- Use yarn image instead of installing it every time
[0.7] - 2019-04-30
- Design overhaul (#28)
- Gantt charts (#29)
- Pretty Scrollbars
- Task colors
- Fixed getting tasks (#27)
[0.6] - 2019-03-08
- Labels (#25)
- Task priorites (#19)
- Task assingees (#21)
- All requests are now using models and services, improving the development experience
- Team managing (#18)
[0.5] - 2018-12-29
- User email verification when registering
- password reset
- Task overview
- Multiple reminders
- Repeating tasks
- Subtasks
- Task duration
- All new design
- Week and month view for tasks
- Go to overview when clicking on the logo
- CSS improvements
- Don't show options to edit pseudonamespace
- Delay loading animation to not show it when the request finishes in < 100ms
- Use email instead of username when resetting a password
- Fixed trying to verify an email when there was none
- Fixed loading tasks when the user was not authenticated