feat: hide priority label for done tasks #825

konrad merged 3 commits from feature/hide-priority-for-done-tasks into main 2021-10-05 05:43:11 +00:00

Resolves #542

Resolves #542
dpschen was assigned by konrad 2021-10-04 19:59:59 +00:00
konrad reviewed 2021-10-04 20:00:28 +00:00
@ -42,0 +41,4 @@
computed: {
priority() {
return this.task.priority

@dpschen I'm not sure if this could cause mutation errors, what do you think?

@dpschen I'm not sure if this could cause mutation errors, what do you think?

Doesn't look like it, since this computed just returns a deep value. Not sure if necessary though. You could just write task.priority in the template in this case.

Doesn't look like it, since this computed just returns a deep value. Not sure if necessary though. You could just write `task.priority` in the template in this case.

Added 👍 I was just being lazy 😅

Added 👍 I was just being lazy 😅
konrad marked this conversation as resolved
dpschen reviewed 2021-10-04 20:16:55 +00:00
dpschen reviewed 2021-10-04 20:19:59 +00:00
@ -39,3 +35,4 @@
type: Boolean,
default: false,
task: {

Instead of passing the whole task down I would just add done as an additional prop. This way there is no deep coupling between the task model and the priority label.

Instead of passing the whole task down I would just add `done` as an additional prop. This way there is no deep coupling between the task model and the priority label.

I thought about that initially but I think it makes a lot of sense the way you put it. Changed!

I thought about that initially but I think it makes a lot of sense the way you put it. Changed!
konrad marked this conversation as resolved
konrad force-pushed feature/hide-priority-for-done-tasks from 8feb0b0c5b to 68e5a5fd8a 2021-10-04 20:40:18 +00:00 Compare

Looks good (not allowed to approve)

Looks good (not allowed to approve)

Looks good (not allowed to approve)

That sounds like a Gitea bug...

> Looks good (not allowed to approve) That sounds like a Gitea bug...
konrad merged commit 7e1a7f3f19 into main 2021-10-05 05:43:11 +00:00
konrad deleted branch feature/hide-priority-for-done-tasks 2021-10-05 05:43:11 +00:00
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